Music Recognition

The New Standard for Music Recognition

Trusted by

Music Database

We offer one of the world’s largest music fingerprint databases of over 150 million tracks which is constantly being updated.

Music Database
3rd party ID integration

3rd Party ID Integration

ACRCloud Music Recognition Services allow developers to match directly with online music services ( Spotify, Deezer, Youtube etc ) and standard codes such as ISRC and UPC. It enables clients to offer direct links to their users, allowing them to play or purchase tracks instantly in their respective music services.

Technology in this solution

Audio Fingerprinting

Industries Who Use This Solution

Music DSPs & Apps

Music Streaming Services, Music and Lyrics Apps, Phone Manufacturers

Distributors & UGC Platforms

Digital Music Distributors, Aggregators, User Generated Content Platforms


Automotive Manufacturers, Tier 1 Suppliers, OEMs

What Customers Say